Friday, November 16, 2012


up that's the title. never ending I guess till I die... or retire...

so a quick update. Fea just turned 4 last month. we celebrated her birthday 3 times, just the four of us, at home with extended family members and at school as well. she had a great time. you could see her smile ear to ear. On the other hand Faheem is now 1 and half years old. alhamdulillah still on BM. Trying my best pumping for new stock. My milk stocks have depleted since he started solids and also I've become lazier by the day. I only pump once a day. I'm still in the process of completing my dissertation. Insya'Allah will complete it by next year. Pray for me ya~ that's all for now till next time...dunno when.. =)

latest photos of my lovely daughter and son.

 Sofeah on her birthday

Faheem, growing up so fast

Monday, June 18, 2012

Anak yg Soleh dan Solehah

Semua muslim inginkan anak2 mereka turn out to be either soleh(boys) or solehah (girls). I myself sebagai ibu tidak putus berdoa utk anak yg soleh dan solehah since I have a boy and a girl. ye la semua org nk anak yg berjaya di dunia dan juga di akhirat. anyway, cerita ni tentang anak daraku sofeah...

Alhamdulillah sejak masuk sekolah dia byk pick up tentang solat, baca doa dan juga expressions like 'Alhamdulillah'.. and I hope dia continue to absorb benda baik2 lagi dimasa hadapan..ok berbalik kepada cerita fea...ada 2 case tentang solat...

1) fea dan ayahnya

ayahnya sedang berbaring2 atas katil bersama dia tiba2 fea berkata2

fea: ayah! ayah solat dulu first baru tdo k?

ayah: owh ok fea (dalam hati berkata2 eh takan nk ckp kat fea nanti la ayah solat, kene tunjukkan contoh yg baik)

so ayahnya terus pergi menunaikan solat isya'

agaknye fea memerhati yg everytime sblm masuk tdo, ummi n ayah mesti solat dulu

2) ummi n fea pula

Azan zohor berkumandang.. beberapa minit selepas tu...

fea: ummi, jom la solat!

ummi: huh? ha ok fea kita solat...(xkan nk delaykan solat depan anak kan..kene bg contoh yg baik..terkedu sekejap)

terus dia naik ambil telekung dia n turun balik...bersemangat..

Alhamdulillah fea pick up benda2 macam ni..hopefully dimasa akan datang dia akan terus aware and sensitif lagi terhadap Islam and it's practices...

sekian cerita fea

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Random thoughts

Just some random thoughts while writing up my chapter 2 from my dissertation

1) sometimes we tend to forget that time flies so fast, that we forget to appreciate or notice the small things that our children learn everyday. When we do notice it's like, eh, 'when did she learn that?', 'from where did she got that?'

2) I don't think I have enough time to do everything. exhaustion is catching up on me 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tentang susu

Freezer saya dah penuh dgn susu. lihatlah~

Dah keluarkan sikit kononnya nk tumpang freezer mak mertua~

Atas sebab tertentu terlupa dan basi la susu ni. terpaksa buang ada 5botol and 25bag. Total 30...huu sedey.

Susu yang ada sekarang~

InsyaAllah boleh survivekan dgn stock yang ada skrg ni... hope so =)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fea's and Faheem's carseats

Fea's first car seat was Maxi Cosi Cabriofix.
Now, it belongs to Faheem

Fea's Second Car seat was Maxi Cosi Priori Xp.

Fea's current car seat is Graco Junior Maxi.

No picture of her in the seat yet =)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A review of my Medela pumps

The purpose of this entry is to share with those who are interested with this topic..heee

So anyway, the greedy me have four medela pumps all together, wait a minute 3 left coz I sold one to the lovely Daeng Erni. Thanks hon~

I will review these pumps one by one from my expe
rience and point of view. It might help future mums to decide which pump is suitable for them. The pumps that I have in my collection or that I have used are;

Medela Mini-E

(Pic taken from Mr Google)

This is my first breast pump given to me as a present by my darling friend Khadijah Husin. Thank you so much dear. I used it for quite some time. The advantage of this pump is, it is easy to carry around as it is small, it is electric so my hands are not tired during the pumping session, if there aren't any power supply I could easily use 2 double A battery instead and it is easy to assemble. However the downside is that it does not have the letdown function like other Medela pumps, even though I can use the battery the suction are not as strong as when I'm using electric and thus less milk collected and the last disadvantage of this pump is, it makes a really loud noise. If I pump at the office everyone could hear the pump buzzing. Overall, it's a good pump and serves well if you don't have a big budget to spend on buying breast pump, you don't mind the noise and also it is better when you have a source of electricity at the place you are pumping. Also, it's just a single pump.

Medela Harmony

(Pic taken from Mr Google)

This is the second pump that I own. My sweet sister bought it for me in the UK. It is available here of course but over there it's cheaper. This is the only manual pump that I have. I love this pump to bits even though my hands are tired after each session but still I managed to collect a lot in a short session compared to mini-E. The parts are easy to assemble and wash too, this is important for busy mums out there. Of course this pump does not make as much noise as the Mini-E. think it's the only manual pump that has the let down function (I like)

Medela Pump in style

(pic taken from my canon powershot camera..hehe)

The next pump I bought on e-bay. This one I bought on my's a double pump. The noise I can say is the same level as the mini-E. it also does not have the let down function. Usually this pump I use it at home only as it is a bit heavy and bulky. Even so this pump has a travel adopter so I can always pump in the car whilst driving and it also has a battery pack in case there aren't any electricity outlet. I like this pump because it saves time as I can pump both breast at the same time.

Medela Freestyle
(pic taken from my canon powershot camera..hehe)

This pump was given as a gift from my beloved husband. It's a great pump as it does not make so much noise. I can move about with this pump and also it's hands free(but have not tried it yet). The pump has a rechargeable battery and I don't have to sit at the power point until the session ends. The downside of this pump is that it's a hassle to wash and also assemble compared to other pumps. there so many parts that needed to be washed and dried before and after each session. Usually I would have lost around an ounce of milk dripping before I could start leceh as the Malays' would say it...hehe

So that's all folks...I hope it helps a bit in choosing your ideal pump, After all you'll be using it for a long time(around 2 yrs) so you really need to find a pump that is comfortable and convenient to you. Like me, I like to test out that's why I have 4 of them. Maybe in the future I might try other brands as well. we'll see how it goes..hehe =). If have any questions feel free to ask ya~

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wearing Faheem?

Thinking of buying a ring sling and will buy one soon~

Reasons why I want one is because:

1) Last week went out to giant hypermarket and suddenly Faheem wants to BF luckily I brought baby pouch with me and so i BF him whilst walking around at giant. He loved it.

2) During fea's time, every time she wants to BF I usually have to run and find a baby's room which is difficult to find in most malls in Malaysia. I remember once out of desperation i had to run to the car and Bf her.

3) Current baby pouch is enough you would say but it's not snug enough and the size is not adjustable

There are other reasons but I forgot. So anyway since I have a lot to learn about baby wearing I better read up on it. there are a lot of good designs and i'm not sure whether to get silk or linen definitely not cotton. Here are the list of shops that some of you could check out for cool designs ring slings

1.peek-a-pouch by peekaroobaby (pouch, wrap, ring sling-coming soon?Huh?)

2.mummyhugs(ring and pouch sling) :

3.mylovelycloset (pouch sling) :

4. thebabyloft (pouch and ring sling) :

5. mamaparadise (carry mummyhugs,momsinmind and littlepods) :

6.momsinmind (based in singapore):

7. babysashanmom (pouch sling):

8. babyznmom (ring sling):

9. Apootaern

10. kasihkusayangku (ringsling)

11. JumpsacBaby

12. Snuggbaby

13. Miabambina

14. Thelilcaliph

15. Tiny Tapir

16. Bigeyesshop

(copy and pasted from ratu hati forum by a member called Rozy)

hope it helps.. will update later which slings I bought...hee

ni tgh berguru dgn Anis lisa tentang ring sling..hope she can some over and give me a demonstration...hehe

pictures? nanti la..too lazy to upload
