We celebrated my friend's birthday by a picnic at the park (SS7, Kelana Jaya) near our home. It's a walking distance since we don't have a car so it's ideal to do it there. We had fun.The weather was also fine. We were at the park until 12 p.m. Even though it seems late but because there were so many trees we did not feel the heat at all. Here are the pictures, Sofeah seems to enjoy herself as well.
wahh...comel je gmbr sofeah dlm pushchair tu.. yeah 'pushchair'.. disbbkn sy duk di UK.. ari tu dh kne tegur perkataan lawyer.. 'nurul, it's supposed to be solicitor, not lawyer' huhue..nasib2..
mmg la xde beza.. tp org kt sni xpggl lawyer.. dorg pggl solicitor.. so kne tegur la.. mane leh gune perkataan US.. tuh awak pggl stroller tuh.. ape daa..papelah.. aslkn sumer happy =)
hei ape da "sofeah seems to be enjoying herself..." tapi takde gambar dia senyum or happy pun? hahahaha pelik...ummi adalah pelik..
Suka nya stroller Sofeah. :D
hehe..thanks Anis..
my friends bg as a gift..
this is her second stroller actually utk pegi pasar or park..hehe
wahh...comel je gmbr sofeah dlm pushchair tu..
yeah 'pushchair'..
disbbkn sy duk di UK..
ari tu dh kne tegur perkataan lawyer..
'nurul, it's supposed to be solicitor, not lawyer'
huh?..ade beza ke solicitor n lawyer?..haha xtau la..
mmg kite panggil pushchair pon kan?..ape la awk ni pelik2
mmg la xde beza..
tp org kt sni xpggl lawyer..
dorg pggl solicitor..
so kne tegur la..
mane leh gune perkataan US..
tuh awak pggl stroller tuh..
ape daa..papelah..
aslkn sumer happy =)
ada beza yer di situ...di sana ada barrister dan solicitor...both lawyers tapi keje lain2...so maybe Jannah jumpa a solicitor (or something)...
owh i see..
lawyers or 'to be' lawyer..
i will never understand them..
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